Galactic Acupuncture Healing Meditation
đ˝Upgrade your energetic body with The Arcturians!
The Galactic Acupuncture meditation is a channeled guided healing which internally enhances and alters your whole energetic body.
The unique and original vision for the galactic acupuncture technique was a downloaded gift to Sarah channelled directly from the Arcturians. She recieved precise instructions for this healing transmission and she was asked to share this new tool with the world!
The Galactic Acupunture process is a multi-dimensional, conscious, sacred, light-tool that penetrates deeply within your physical and auric bodies. This is a very powerful technique that will:
âAnchor 5th dimensional light within your body
âHelp restore your original divine blueprint
âLet you experience a new and unique Starbeing energy device
âHelp you to build a trusting relationship with The Arcturians
âAmplify your field of conciousness
âLet you recieve light encoded codes specifically for your personal needs
You will recieve unlimited access to this healing journey to really initiate deep and prolonged energy upgrades, as the clearing and healing never stops!
It's very important to develop strong, daily habits to keep on top of your energetic health and ascension journey. We have never faced the challenges many humans are now living and it's vitally important we consciously work to maintain our light and truth.
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